
Narcissism: Subtypes and the Relationship With Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Ales Zivkovic Ales Zivkovic

Narcissism: Subtypes and the Relationship With Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissism is characterised by a sense of self-importance and an experience of specialness. It is also associated with grandiosity, arrogance and entitlement. Narcissistic individuals have a low capacity to engage in loving relationships. For them, love destroys sex. Romantic relationships are often superficial and characterised by shallowness and basking in their romantic partner's glory or beauty. Narcissists typically have an issue with their romantic partner's independence, which increases their need to control their partners. There are three distinct subtypes of narcissism.

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Childhood Trauma and Addiction: Research Findings
Ales Zivkovic Ales Zivkovic

Childhood Trauma and Addiction: Research Findings

Psychotherapists have long been aware of the devastating impact that childhood trauma has on the development of addiction. While research supports this view, the nature of the connection and the underlying internal psychological mechanisms need further clarification.

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